The 41st Graduation and Prize-giving Ceremony was held at the school hall on 27 May 2023. The officiating guest, Mr Aldric Chau is our alumnus working as Digital General Manager at Cathay Pacific. He and other guests of honour presented various prizes and scholarships at the ceremony.

Sister Lucy Chung, the supervisor, compared the school and graduates as the vine and branches tightly bound together by God’s love. She also shared that ups and downs in our path are good lessons from God for us to learn. Persevering, we can thrive and bring contributions. Principal Mok then made the school report stating how different items on campus progressed. As normalcy has returned, the school has some new teams and activities such as multi-media workshops, Fencing Team to bring fruitful experiences to students.

Upon presenting leaving certificates, Mr. Chau delivered a speech about a letter that he wrote to himself titled writing to the previous me 19 years before. He advised the graduates to set clear goals and know their own values, not to be swayed by others. While maintaining family, relationships, he encouraged graduates to live a passionate life and find the true values of life.

Here we stand united as one big family…… Singing the school song together ended the ceremony beautifully.