Pastoral Care Team consists Catholic teachers. We aim at carrying out religious activities, implementing the values of Christ, and taking care of Catholic students’ and their schoolmates’ spiritual needs.

The team prepare for the Morning Prayers and masses, as well as the School Opening Ceremony, Feast Days, the School Ending Ceremony and Prayer Meetings for Graduates, etc. In addition, we encourage students to show their love and care to the needy by participating in voluntary services in hospitals, homes for the aged, special schools and so on. In recent years, our students have also taken part in the joint-school voluntary services organized by the North-East New Territories Deanery. All Catholic teachers also assist the executive committee members of the Catholic Students’ Association in arranging group meetings, organizing the Religious Week and Eucharistic celebrations, as well as nourishing the faith of all students.

The School Life Experience Team is responsible for the promotion and coordination of all the activities inside and outside school, overseeing inter-house and inter-class activities as well as the running of interest classes, clubs and societies at school. In order to promote whole person development of the students, a wide range of activities including the school picnic, leadership training programmes, Christmas celebration, teacher-student competition, etc. have also been organized. The School Life Experience Team also works collaboratively with external bodies in the arrangement of visits, exchange programmes, etc. so as to enrich students’ life-wide learning experiences.

The School Life Experience Team aims at cultivating our students a sense of responsibility, helping them develop interpersonal and leadership skills as well as offering them with opportunities to explore and develop their full potential, making them a sensible and responsible citizen of the future society.

The primary objective of Careers and Life Planning Team is to provide all necessary information to students for tertiary studies. Exhibitions, conferences and tours of tertiary institutes are held each year so that students can gain better insights.

In addition, the team organizes some seminars which are specifically tailored for Form 3 and Form 5 students so that they can adapt to the school life better in the coming year. In order to raise the awareness of students about their career prospect, the team seeks every opportunity to invite IHMC graduates to have some sharing sessions. Consequently, they can walk along the path of rectitude in the future.

The Disciplinary Team builds up the school ethos of harmony and order through formulating, implementing and evaluating school regulations, award and punishment system and related activities. The primary objective is to keep a good learning environment, in which effective teaching and learning can be achieved. The Team helps students to recognize socially acceptable attitudes and behaviours as well as moral standards. It also helps students to develop appropriate value system, self-discipline and self-responsibility through practices.

Counselling for students is taken care of by teachers in the team and the school social workers.

We also organize different activities (shown below) for students throughout the year.

  1. F.1 Induction Programme
  2. F.1 Big Brother and Big Sister Scheme
  3. Personal growth programmes
    • Form-teacher periods across all forms
    • F.2 Perseverance Programme
    • F.4 Smart Teen Challenge Camp
    • Alumni Sharing
  4. Parents’ Talk
  5. Individual counselling

Environmental Education Team aims at developing students’ awareness of environmental protection. The Team is dedicated to

  1. Initiating environmental protection policies and education strategies in compliance with the school’s student formation directions;
  2. Planning and implementing environmental education programmes as a kind of informal curriculum through the employment of community resources;
  3. Providing environmental education for students to develop themselves into dutiful persons who display respect for nature and all mankind; and
  4. Promoting green school policies.