We are thrilled to announce that our school’s Chinese Drama Club has received multiple awards at the recent Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2022/23, showcasing their talent and dedication to the art of Drama. The society has been honoured with the “Award for Outstanding Script”, “Award for Outstanding Director”, “Award for Outstanding Performer”, “Award for Outstanding Audio-visual Effects”, and “Award for Outstanding Cooperation”. These awards are undoubtedly a confirmation to the Club’s outstanding skills in scriptwriting, directing, acting, stage management, and teamwork.

In addition, the Chinese Drama Club has also been awarded the “Adjudicators Award”, which recognizes their exceptional performance and creativity. As a result, they were invited to perform at the Tsuen Wan Town Hall, where they showcased their outstanding performance to the public.

We are incredibly proud of the Chinese Drama Club for their achievements, and we look forward to seeing more of their extraordinary performances in the future. Congratulations!

List of awardees:
1. Award for Outstanding Script:  Cheng Tsz Yau (4 John)

2. Award for Outstanding Director: Cheng Tsz Yau (4 John)

3. Award for Outstanding Performer: Cheng Tsz Yan (4 John), Fung Tin Yui (3 Luke) & Hui Felicity (5 Luke)

4. Award for Outstanding Audio-visual Effects:
Leung Hei Chun (2 John), Lau Yik Chung (2 Luke), Fung Cheuk Him (3 Mark), Tse Chun Hin (4 Matthew), Cheung Chuk Ning(4 Matthew), Chan Kwan Ching Paris (4 Luke),  Lee Lok Yiu (4 Luke) & Cheng Tsz Yau (4 John)

5. Award for Outstanding Cooperation

6. Adjudicators’ Award