Our Form 6 students have obtained remarkable results in 2023 HKDSE:

  • The average of percentage of Level 2 or above of all subjects is 96% which is above the territory-wide level.
  • The average passing rate of the four core subjects is 96.4%.
  • Among the 18 admitted subjects, our students also obtained level 5* or 5** in the following subjects:
    • Biology, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Chinese History, Chinese Language, Geography, History & Liberal Studies.
  • The percentage of Level 5 or above of 6 subjects is also above the territory-wide level.
IHMC  Day Schools
Business, Accounting and Financial Studies 26.7%
Geography 18.8% 12.5%
History 15.8% 14.6%
Chinese Language 13.6% 10.9%
Ethics and Religious Studies 12.5% 8.8%
Liberal Studies 10.1% 9.6%
  • The percentage of Level 4 or above of 12 DSE subjects is above the territory- wide level.
  • Among these subjects, there are 4 subjects with percentage far higher than that of all schools. They are shown as follows:
IHMC  Day Schools
Music 100%
Mathematics Extended Part (Algebra & Calculus) 87.5% 62.4%
Physics 76.7% 51.7%
Chinese History 70.6% 38.9%

With the warmest support from our teachers, parents and alumni and the positive learning environment that our school provides, our students always strive for excellence and try their best. With the outstanding performance in HKDSE, our students are able to continue their further studies in tertiary institutions. Efforts from different stakeholders are highly appreciated.