Open Day 2023

Our College held the Open Day 2023 on 4 November 2023 (Saturday) with the theme “Seek Knowledge & Truth Wholeheartedly”. The Open Day highlighted the school’s commitment to teaching with love and care, the students’ attitude towards seeking truth, and showcased the students’ learning achievements. Approximately over 2,000 parents and students visited the school on that day.

Children’s personal growth and career paths are parents’ top concerns. In order to help guests, parents and primary students to have a clearer understanding of our school’s belief and values, student helpers from various subjects set up booths and exhibitions. Visitors could directly communicate with our students to have a more thorough perception of their school life. Moreover, our Supervisor, Sister Lucy Mary Chung, Principal Mok Kit Yue, and teachers elaborated on our College’s vision and mission, characteristics of curriculum, cross-curricular activities, as well as how our College promotes a positive campus and guides young people in facing the challenges of the 21st century based on the core Catholic values at the Secondary 1 Admission Talk.

Newsletter (2022-2023)

Campus Introduction 2022-2023

Highlights of Open Day 2023